12th grade (age 17) – high school graduate

My final year of high school.

I felt like I had conquered high school at last. I had worked my way up on the social ladder on my own terms. Not because I wanted to be cool but because I just was. I was a nice kid, fun and funny. And being good at many things also helped me being accepted and popular among different circles of friends.

This final year of high school was about enjoying my last year of high school and preparing for college life ahead.

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11th grade (age 16) – superstar skater

Another year of sports…and my mother returns to Los Angeles.

I was growing mentally and physically. Not being as shy, having serious crushes on a girl at school. Making more friends with all the different activities and hobbies I was involved in.

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10th grade (age 15) – good crazy

New hair, new muscles, new me.

The year that I really started to become a good kind of “Crazy Johnny”. I was growing into my own personality. Had a new haircut and started lifting weights. Muscles and confidence were coming in fast. I was just growing as a person and in every way possible.

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9th grade (age 14) – high school nerd

Entering Belmont High School as the classic uncool kid (exactly from the movies).

Kinda nerdy and dorky, didn’t have cool clothes or cool haircut, still short, small and scrawny. It’s just like in the movies. 9th graders are at the bottom of the totem pole. We were basically still kids. 10th graders were just a step up. Whereas the older 11th and 12th graders had more grown-up bodies and cool grown-up clothing (purchased from being to have jobs), and confidence and friends.

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8th grade (age 13) – teenage rebel

Entering my teenage years as the hated black sheep rebel of the family. Becoming more and more of a street kid, hanging with some bad influences. The more my parents gave up on me, the more free and rebellious I became.

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